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The beard

Started: 2009-04-19 21:09:40

Submitted: 2009-04-20 21:57:32

Visibility: World-readable

When Kiesa went into preterm labor at week 32 and spent the next two weeks in Denver, I forgot to shave for the first week and finally decided I ought to clean up in advance of the baby shower I would be the surrogate guest of honor for. After that, I mostly gave up on shaving (saving precious minutes in the morning) and dared myself to avoid shaving until we brought Calvin home. I shaved around a goatee, which I've been thinking about growing for years. (I terminated my first such experiment after a week; I repeated the experiment several times in the intervening six years, culminating with a four-week beard last summer. My Mii sports spiked hair and a goatee, which might be something close to the way I visualize myself.)

Jaeger reads to Calvin
Jaeger reads to Calvin

By the time we actually brought Calvin home, my beard had eight weeks to grow and looked plausibly like a goatee, so I decided to keep it, at least for the short term. I still need to figure out how to trim it effectively (it's getting a bit uneven), but I'm going to hang on to it for now. If nothing else, Calvin will be fascinated by how different I looked when he was born, back when I had long hair and was pretending I had a beard.

Jaeger with his new goatee
Jaeger with his new goatee