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Browse 2025

January 2025

Hiking along Crater Rim Drive
Kilauea World-readable
Visiting an active volcanic eruption on the Big Island of Hawaii
Tags: hawaii
Along the Kona coast
Kealakekua Bay World-readable
Riding a zodiac down the Kona coast to snorkel in Kealakekua Bay
Tags: hawaii
Kona Coffee Living History Farm
Captain Cook World-readable
A coffee farm, a hike to the ocean, a monument, spinner dolphins, Hawaiian history, and a bookstore
Spencer Beach Park
Spencer Beach Park World-readable
Visiting another beach, a close encounter with a sea urchin, more Hawaiian history, shaved ice, and a movie night
Looking down towards Pololū Beach
Pololū Valley World-readable
Hiking into a scenic valley; shaved ice above the ocean; driving a jeep with the top down; seeing the sunset and stars on the side of Mauna Kea
Mountain Thunder Coffee Plantation
Mountain Thunder World-readable
Visiting a coffee farm on the way home