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Jasper Fforde

Started: 2004-08-08 22:32:24

Submitted: 2004-08-08 22:44:45

Visibility: World-readable

I drove into Boulder this afternoon and spent entirely too much money acquiring two books (Altered Carbon and A Fire Upon the Deep, both of which I've been told I should read, and while my local libraries have copies, they're out) and the five- and six-player expansion to Settlers of Catan. Having wiped out my Personal Expenditure Allocation for the rest of the week, I headed back home and caught the tail end of this story on NPR's Weekend All Things Considered. I caught that Jasper Fforde was talking to NPR from Denver, which made me wonder if he was doing book signings to promote Something Rotten, his latest in the Thursday Next literary detective series. Half an hour later, when I finally made it home, I learned that, in fact, he was doing a reading and signing at The Tattered Cover, which is apparently his second stop on his promotional tour. (The first was at Barnes and Noble in Boulder on Saturday.) Kiesa and I will be going; any interested (and local) readers of my website are invited to join us.

(I'll confess that I'm just over half way through the first of Fforde's books, The Eyre Affair, but it's fascinating.)