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Paid Time Off

Started: 2005-03-17 21:31:48

Submitted: 2005-03-17 21:49:24

Visibility: World-readable

Tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to take my first paid time off this year. After showing up for work, and working a full day (or more, in two rare cases involving after-hours fun in the server closet) every work day this year so far, I'm going to leave work tomorrow at (or a little after) noon and head up to Steamboat Springs. It's spring break at Walla Walla, so Bethany and Willy (and Bethany's boyfriend) are driving down to meet my parents (who are staying at my house tonight) and Gem and I. The one-bedroom condo we're staying in claims to sleep six adults, which sounds like it'll be a little cramped with the seven we'll have there. Should be fun.