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Thanksgiving of Catan

Started: 2005-11-26 22:49:17

Submitted: 2005-11-26 23:04:05

Visibility: World-readable

Kiesa and I brought Settlers of Catan and Cities and Knights of Catan to Longview expecting to get a couple of games out of it. We ended up playing ten games over the past three days; Tristan is more than a little addicted, much to his wife's distress. The most exciting games were after sundown tonight; we introduced the group to Cities and Knights and spent almost three hours playing; Kiesa and I remembered why Yanthor and I built the Catan clock. Towards the end of the game, I managed to achieve all three metropolises on my three cities, which gave me twelve of the thirteen points I needed to win. The very next turn Kiesa managed to scrape together nine coin to build the last two blue city upgrades, which took my metropolis from me. Shortly thereafter the group colluded to help my mother-in-law win; I calmed myself by reminding everyone that the only way she won was because she had the combined resources of three players. Karma struck back in our next game (the final for the weekend); it was a simple Settlers game, and I managed to win despite everyone's attempts otherwise.

This afternoon I found two Geocaches just across the Lewis and Clark Bridge in Oregon, my only two caches in the state.

At this moment, Illyria has an Internet connection (Kiesa's parents have upgraded to wireless Ethernet inside the house and a DSL connection to the outside world), but I'm writing this changelog offline because Ivanova suffered a power outage Thursday afternoon and didn't come back up. (This happened once before when I was in Boston; it turned out that Ivanova won't boot if her keyboard is not plugged in.) I need to spend some quality time with Ivanova, but I'm not going to have the opportunity until Monday morning. At least I'm taking the morning off, since my flight lands at DIA at some absurdly late hour.