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9 photos

Read more: Shoshoni, Pawnee, Toll, The Loch
Isabelle Glacier, Queens Way, and Apache Peak

08:34:16 MDT Saturday 02 July 2011

Snowfield on Mount Toll

10:54:14 MDT Saturday 02 July 2011

Jaeger on Mount Toll, with Mount George and the Gore Range

11:39:48 MDT Saturday 02 July 2011

Looking south from Mount Toll: Pawnee Peak, Niwot Ridge, Arapaho Peak, Navajo Peak, and Apache Peak

11:40:52 MDT Saturday 02 July 2011

Little Pawnee, Pawnee Peak, and Mount Toll

13:34:50 MDT Saturday 02 July 2011

Andrews Glacier from The Loch

15:16:28 MDT Sunday 03 July 2011

Calvin sleeps in the backpack carrier at The Loch

15:17:20 MDT Sunday 03 July 2011

Taylor Glacier from The Loch

15:18:28 MDT Sunday 03 July 2011

The Loch

15:21:30 MDT Sunday 03 July 2011

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