Photo round 246

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12 photos

Read more: Mud Season
Snow-covered front yard maple tree

08:05:38 MDT Wednesday 26 October 2011

Heavy fall snow covers maple branches

08:06:04 MDT Wednesday 26 October 2011

Calvin on the driveway in the aftermath of a fall snowstorm

08:20:28 MDT Wednesday 26 October 2011

Maple tree in snow

15:59:06 MDT Wednesday 26 October 2011

Maple leaves in snow

15:59:52 MDT Wednesday 26 October 2011

Calvin tromps through knee-deep snow on the deck

16:09:14 MDT Wednesday 26 October 2011

Calvin digs snow off the patio furniture

16:11:48 MDT Wednesday 26 October 2011

Calvin dumps snow off the patio furniture

16:11:52 MDT Wednesday 26 October 2011

A Seussian tomato

15:42:36 MDT Saturday 29 October 2011

Calvin studies the Chinese paper art

07:34:58 MDT Thursday 03 November 2011

Calvin studies the Chinese paper art

07:35:14 MDT Thursday 03 November 2011

Calvin points to the Chinese paper art

07:35:18 MDT Thursday 03 November 2011

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