Photos on 2011-07-17

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6 photos

Read more: Oceanside, Portland
Calvin flies a jet fighter trainer

13:08:54 PDT Sunday 17 July 2011

Willy tries to find the flaps for Calvin in a jet fighter trainer

13:10:22 PDT Sunday 17 July 2011

N422AU Super Guppy

13:54:54 PDT Sunday 17 July 2011

Calvin walks through the main cargo compartment of N422AU Super Guppy

14:02:56 PDT Sunday 17 July 2011

Nose and cockpit of N422AU Super Guppy

14:08:28 PDT Sunday 17 July 2011

Calvin walks on train tracks at the Tillamook Naval Air Station Museum

14:09:42 PDT Sunday 17 July 2011

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