The Bleeding Edge

2110 PST, 24 November 1998

Ok, this idea materialized as I was sitting in United flight 591, seet 12D, reading Wired 6.11. It melded from various ideas I've been subject to in the past several days. The premise: The Bleeding Edge, a documentary about the life of several young adults on the bleeding edge of technology, or maybe a few college students (Neelix, Bitscape, and I) as they go through college. The media: something resembling a comic strip on the 'net, fed by my digital camera. To make this work, several things come to mind. First, a domain name (bleedingedge.(com|net), or some variant). Possibally, this could include journal entries (or journal excerpts, one excerpt documenting one or a few pictures) from the people involved. Problem, however: if I'm the one whose perspective this is all from, then it should probably include pictures of me, which will be difficult if I'm always behind the lens. Possible compromises include rewriting the entries from the third person to include everyone's perspective, having Neelix and Bitscape write journal entries or something for this page, or cycle the camera around so I'm not always behind the viewfinder. This will probably take some doing to make it work right, so I propose deleting college writing II and devoting the extra hours per week to the project. It would also requre significant collebaration on the parts of Bitscape and Neelix, and anyone else who will star in the drama. I also propose moving into either Neelix or Bitscape's dorm room, since both of them are half-empty, to facilitate more pictures of the involved people. Problems with that include I would have to tell everyone who knows my address or phone number to change, and we would have to negociate exactly how we would run multiple principal computers in the same room. (My local network is the obvious solution, but it would require the other person surrendering their starring position as sole connection to IS's Ethernet.) I propose fine-tuning the idea over the next week or nine days and playing with various trials during the final two-and-a-half weeks of school, including finals. Over Christmas break, if we decide to go through with this, or some version of it, I can write the important perl scripts, do the important domain registration, and other fun-filled related stuff like that.

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© 1998 by Ted Logan <>