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Browse tag beach

Looking down towards Pololū Beach
Pololū Valley World-readable
Hiking into a scenic valley; shaved ice above the ocean; driving a jeep with the top down; seeing the sunset and stars on the side of Mauna Kea
Spencer Beach Park
Spencer Beach Park World-readable
Visiting another beach, a close encounter with a sea urchin, more Hawaiian history, shaved ice, and a movie night
Seabright Beach covered in pier debris
Wharf World-readable
Seeing debris from the Santa Cruz Wharf washed up on Seabright Beach
ʻAnaehoʻomalu Beach
Night Snorkel World-readable
Swimming at the beach in Hawaii, and snorkeling with manta rays
SS Palo Alto at Seacliff State Beach
Concrete Ship World-readable
SS Palo Alto at Seacliff State Beach
Tags: beach
Walking along the Mendocino Headlands
Rail Bikes World-readable
Walking along the Mendocino Headlands, and biking on train tracks
Seabright Beach on a bright spring-like day
Seabright World-readable
2024-03-21 21:10:42
My nearest beach
Camp stove coffee
Morro Rock World-readable
A large rock marking the line between the ocean and the bay
Fog hanging over Glen Campground
Hiking to Wildcat Beach and Alamere Falls at Point Reyes
The end of the concrete ship pier at Seacliff State Beach
The end of the pier World-readable
The remains of the pier at Seacliff Beach
Tags: flood beach
Julian looks at elephant seals at Ano Nuevo State Park
Año Nuevo World-readable
Viewing the elephant seals on the beach
Seabright Beach on Christmas
Beach Christmas World-readable
Beach Christmas, I gave you my heart; but the very next day you rained it away
Pather Beach and Hole-in-the Wall Beach
Hole-in-the-Wall Beach World-readable
Exploring a small beach near Santa Cruz
Calvin and Julian in a foxhole on Four Mile Beach
Foxhole World-readable
Fortifying the beach
Tags: beach
Julian prepares to catch a wave
Board World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator takes his kid body-boarding
Julian surveys the outline of a sand star fort
Star Fort World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator builds an idea star fort out of sand
Tags: beach
SS Palo Alto on Seacliff Beach
Beach Day World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator takes his kids to the beach, sees a derelict ship made out of concrete, and builds sandcastles
Tags: beach