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Walking down Main to start Bay to Breakers
Bay to Breakers World-readable
From the Bay to the Breakers, San Francisco will be (I don't know how to finish this joke and I'm not sure it's even funny)
Music Concourse and the Skystar Wheel in the fog
Bay to Breakers 2023 World-readable
Jaeger on BART heading to Bay to Breakers
Bay to Breakers World-readable
Running Bay to Breakers, in person again for the first time in three years
Flatirons and Green Mountain
Bolder Boulder 2019 World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator climbs Green Mountain, runs the Bolder Boulder, drives into the clouds obscuring the mountains, and drives by his old house
A corral starting line of the Bay to Breakers
Bay to Breakers 2019 World-readable
19 May 2019: In which the intrepid narrator runs from the bay to the ocean
Bay to Breakers World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator runs Bay to Breakers, experiencing an important cultural institution first-hard
Bolder Boulder 2011 World-readable
2011-06-01 20:08:31
Breaking Fifty World-readable
2010-06-01 20:36:00
Cold, Colder, Coldest World-readable
2009-12-10 18:33:54
Tags: running
2009-11-16 20:47:40
Tags: running
2009-10-06 08:00:00
Tags: running
Overtraining World-readable
2009-07-31 21:08:24
Tags: running
Training Program World-readable
2009-05-22 07:48:03
Tags: running
Personal Records World-readable
2009-05-10 16:12:56
Tags: running
Bolder Boulder 2008 World-readable
2008-05-29 19:45:01
Qualified World-readable
2008-05-20 21:32:46
Waking before dawn World-readable
2008-03-19 22:12:05