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Browse tag san-francisco

Bike hanging in the rack on a Capitol Corridor train
Treasure Island World-readable
Crossing the Bay Bridge on bike (and bus), and riding an exciting new electric train
Waymo pulls up on Van Ness
Robotaxi World-readable
Riding a Waymo robotaxi in San Francisco
Tanforan Memorial in San Bruno
The Art of Noise World-readable
An art exhibition at SFMOMA mixing graphic design, psychedelic rock, industrial design, and engineering
SS Jeremiah O'Brien at Pier 35
Jeremiah O'Brien World-readable
Visiting a liberty ship museum ship in San Francisco
Fourth of July in Dolores Park
Harbor Queen World-readable
Observing the Fourth of July with ice cream and a fireworks cruise
Walking down Main to start Bay to Breakers
Bay to Breakers World-readable
From the Bay to the Breakers, San Francisco will be (I don't know how to finish this joke and I'm not sure it's even funny)
Landscaped path in Presidio Tunnel Tops
Tunnel Tops World-readable
A new park at the edge of the Presidio
The Bay Bridge and the Soma Skyline
Taking a train and a ferry to get to Coit Tower, then climbing all the way to the top
Conservatory of Flowers
Year of the Dragon World-readable
Ringing in the lunar new year in Chinatown; also the Conservatory of Flowers
Embarcadero Center 1, 2, and 3
Celebration World-readable
Madonna's Celebration tour in San Francisco
Castro Theater at night in the rain
Welcome to Night Vale World-readable
Going to the Castro Theater to see this year's Welcome to Night Vale live show
Dykes on Bikes at Pride
Pride 2023 World-readable
A somewhat belated recap of the San Francisco Pride parade
Be a cat, do crimes World-readable
Seeing John Scalzi on tour promoting Starter Villain
Joan of Arc at the Legion of Honor
Legion of Honor World-readable
Visiting the Legion of Honor on my way home
Cargil salt piles
Taking the bus across the mountain; visiting Richmond (the city in the East Bay); riding a ferry across the bay; visiting my old neighborhood Ingleside
Market Street from Montgomery
Chuck Tingle World-readable
Seeing the world's greatest author, name of Chuck Tingle
Music Concourse and the Skystar Wheel in the fog
Bay to Breakers 2023 World-readable
Lion dancers assemble in a Chinatown alley
Lunar New Year World-readable
Celebrating the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit
Central Subway concourse
Central Subway World-readable
Riding MUNI's Central Subway on opening day
Jaeger at The Art of the Brick
The Art of the Brick World-readable
Seeing Lego art in person; also, a random Ferris wheel in Golden Gate Park!
Waiting for the Caltrain Pride special at San Jose Diridon
Apple Pride World-readable
Joining Apple for the Pride parade in San Francisco
Julian and Calvin ride BART
Exploratorium World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator revisits the Exploratorium with his kids
AIDS quilt with Sutro Tower
No one is lost World-readable
Seeing the AIDS quilt, back in San Francisco; and live music for the first time in two years
Jaeger on BART heading to Bay to Breakers
Bay to Breakers World-readable
Running Bay to Breakers, in person again for the first time in three years
Julian, Kiesa, and Jaeger on BART
Fleet Week World-readable
Featuring the Blue Angels
Jaeger in front of San Jose Diridon Station
Capitol Corridor World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator completes a multi-modal circuit around San Francisco Bay
181 Fremont and Salesforce Tower under construction above a Soma parking lot
2019-10-26 16:14:31
Watching the Folsom Bay Tower climb above SoMa
A corral starting line of the Bay to Breakers
Bay to Breakers 2019 World-readable
19 May 2019: In which the intrepid narrator runs from the bay to the ocean
Durian pastry at dim sum in Chinatown
Dim Sum World-readable
18 May 2019: In which the intrepid narrator says more nice things about San Francisco
Looking out the window onto a rainy tarmac at SEA
Embarcadero World-readable
17 May 2019: In which the intrepid narrator says nice things about San Francisco
Rain in Fremont
Climate World-readable
2019-01-29 19:49:57
In which the intrepid narrator muses on the climate data comparing three randomly-chosen cities
Salesforce tower rises above San Francisco
Climbing Salesforce World-readable
21 October 2018: In which the intrepid narrator returns to San Francisco to climb the newest tallest building in the skyline
Empty dining room and kitchen at Louisburg
Living on empty World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator spends the first week of July living in an empty house
Path through redwood trees in Muir Woods
Muir Woods World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator visits a nearby national monument and a historic lighthouse perched above the ocean
Foggy view of Excelsior
2018-07-18 20:17:48
In which the intrepid narrator describes his regular working day in San Francisco
Jaeger in front of the Google San Francisco sign for Pride
Pride 2018 World-readable
24 June 2018: In which the intrepid narrator joins the Google contingent marching in the San Francisco Pride Parade
Julian in the redwoods
Epicenter World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator visits the epicenter of the Loma Prieta Earthquake in the Forest of Nisene Marks near Santa Cruz
2018-05-25 19:59:10
In which the intrepid narrator recounts his experience in the Loma Prieta Earthquake in 1989
Bay to Breakers World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator runs Bay to Breakers, experiencing an important cultural institution first-hard
Twin Peaks and downtown San Francisco
Todo List World-readable
2018-05-22 20:15:00
In which the intrepid narrator contemplates his list of things to do before leaving San Francisco
San Francisco skyline in the morning sun
Watching Whales World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator takes a whale-watching boat trip to the Farallon Islands
Yoda fountain at the Letterman Digital Arts Center
Presidio World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator explores the Presidio with his family after Christmas
Bethany in front of the Banker's Heart
Powell World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator plays tour guide to his family in San Francisco
Christmas tree with presents
Christmas 2017 World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator's family visits San Francisco for Christmas
Flag flying in front of San Francisco City Hall
Paying respects World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator his pays respects to San Francisco's mayor
Golden Gate Bridge
2017-12-23 17:40:31
In which the intrepid narrator writes a San Francisco guidebook to get his family out of the house for Christmas
Red sun rises over San Francisco Bay
Conflagration World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator experiences the North Bay wildfires second-hand
Foggy view of Excelsior
The rest of the summer World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator watches an eclipse, survives an epic heat wave, and sees several minor sights in San Francisco
Calvin on RocketBoat
Rocket Boat! World-readable
3 July 2017: In which the intrepid narrator rides Rocket Boat in San Francisco Bay
San Francisco Pride Parade
Pride World-readable
25 June 2017: In which the intrepid narrator watches the San Francisco Pride Parade
Golden Gate Bridge in fog
Bay Model World-readable
20 May 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits a massive scale model of the San Francisco Bay -- with real water
Battery Townsley and the Golden Gate
Battery Townsley World-readable
2 April 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits a gun emplacement overlooking the Golden Gate
Calvin on deck of USS Pampanito
Staycation World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator spends a week's staycation in San Francisco
Calvin with Lady Washington
Battle Sail World-readable
16 April 2017: In which the intrepid narrator goes sailing on the bay on a rainy day
View of Mount Davidson and Sutro Tower over Ingleside
2017-02-19 15:15:44
In which the intrepid narrator becomes a home owner (again) and moves out of his rental in San Francisco
Coast trail, Marin Headlands, Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Hill 88 World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator hikes to SF-88C in the Marin Headlands
Trail Ridge Road through a rear-view mirror
In which the intrepid narrator moves away from Boulder after 25 years
Bay Bridge in fog
2016-07-09 15:34:00
In which the intrepid narrator lives in San Francisco for four months, mostly on his own
Nike missile site SF-88
Marin Headlands World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator visits a historical relic of the Cold War in Marin County
Bay Bridge and San Francisco skyline
Unbuilding World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator bikes along the New Bay Bridge and watches a major unbuilding project
Temporary apartment living room
6 February 2016: In which the intrepid narrator settles into San Francisco and finds a house he wants to rent
Twin Peaks and downtown San Francisco
2016-04-15 17:45:28
In which the intrepid narrator sees some of the sights in his new city
Calvin and Kiesa at Sutter's Fort
New Bay Bridge World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator spends the last two days of 2013 in California
Kiesa and Calvin with the Macys Christmas tree in Union Square
San Francisco World-readable
2014-01-05 12:27:31
In which the intrepid narrator visits San Francisco and wonders if he's coming home