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Browse 2017

January 2017

Bay Lights on the Bay Bridge
Happy New Year! World-readable
2017-01-01 18:30:44
In which the intrepid narrator wishes the world a happy new year 2017.
Tags: meta

February 2017

Hello Death Valley World-readable
12 February 2017: In which the intrepid narrator travels to visit an otherworldly landscape
Furnace Creek Campground
13 February 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits the lowest basin in the entire western hemisphere
Scottys Castle Road
14 February 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits craters, dunes, and canyons in Death Valley; and contemplates the impact of water on shaping the desert landscape
View of Mount Davidson and Sutro Tower over Ingleside
2017-02-19 15:15:44
In which the intrepid narrator becomes a home owner (again) and moves out of his rental in San Francisco

March 2017

Most of the Logan cousins
Tags: family
Calvin waits for his birthday cake
Calvin's birthday World-readable
Tags: calvin
Calvin on deck of USS Pampanito
Staycation World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator spends a week's staycation in San Francisco
Julian waits for his birthday cake
Julian's birthday World-readable
Tags: julian

April 2017

Battery Townsley and the Golden Gate
Battery Townsley World-readable
2 April 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits a gun emplacement overlooking the Golden Gate
Calvin with Lady Washington
Battle Sail World-readable
16 April 2017: In which the intrepid narrator goes sailing on the bay on a rainy day
Hamilton stage at the Orpheum Theatre
Hamilton World-readable
2017-04-28 21:01:35
In which the intrepid narrator sees an American Musical and experiences a major cultural event first hand
Tags: theater

May 2017

A patent of my own World-readable
2017-05-13 16:20:04
In which the intrepid narrator is issued US Patent number 9,622,187
Tags: qualcomm
Motoko at Copper Mountain
2017-05-14 15:47:04
In which the intrepid narrator decides his cars are not right for San Francisco but decides to keep them anyway because nothing else works better
Tags: cars
Golden Gate Bridge in fog
Bay Model World-readable
20 May 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits a massive scale model of the San Francisco Bay -- with real water

June 2017

Jaeger and Willy at Camp Creek Campground
Timberline World-readable
2-3 June 2017: In which the intrepid narrator celebrates Cascade Volcano Day at Mount Hood
Steel Cliffs
The top of Oregon World-readable
4 June 2017: In which the intrepid narrator ascends the highest peak in Oregon
Trail to Tomales Point
Tomales Point World-readable
24 June 2017: In which the intrepid narrator hikes to Tomales Point, on the northern tip of Point Reyes National Seashore
San Francisco Pride Parade
Pride World-readable
25 June 2017: In which the intrepid narrator watches the San Francisco Pride Parade

July 2017

Trail to Balconies and Machete Ridge
Pinnacles World-readable
2 July 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits his nearest National Park; Or, Further East of Eden
Calvin on RocketBoat
Rocket Boat! World-readable
3 July 2017: In which the intrepid narrator rides Rocket Boat in San Francisco Bay
South Sister
South Sister World-readable
11 July 2017: In which the intrepid narrator climbs another cascade volcano

August 2017

Worldcon 75 World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator decides to attend Worldcon 75 in Helsinki
Series: Worldcon 75
Jaeger, Kiesa, Julian, and Calvin on Finnair flight 12 to Helsinki
Messukeskus World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator takes his family to Helsinki for the 75th annual Worldcon
Series: Worldcon 75
Jaeger at Worldcon 75
10 August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits Worldcon 75 in Helsinki and sees many interesting things
Series: Worldcon 75
Directional sign at Worldcon
Hugo Awards World-readable
11 August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator attends a second day at Worldcon and watches the Hugo Awards in person
Series: Worldcon 75
Calvin and Julian on the couch in Finnish Airbnb
Third day at Worldcon World-readable
12th August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator spends a third day at Worldcon 75 and finally figures out a working schedule for the con
Series: Worldcon 75
Julian and Calvin wait for the bus in Helsinki
13th August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator skips the last day of Worldcon 75 to see an open-air heritage museum, an impressive church, and the National Museum of Finland
Series: Worldcon 75
Interior of Louhela Station in Vantaa, Finland
Suomenlinna World-readable
14th August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits the fortress of Suomenlinna, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Series: Worldcon 75
SAS A320 DY-KAL at Helsinki
Kiitos Finland! World-readable
15th August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator bids farewell to Helsinki, flies to Copenhagen, and takes a canal boat tour
Series: Worldcon 75
Danish for breakfast in Denmark
Nationalmuseet World-readable
16th August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator explores Copenhagen
Series: Worldcon 75
Danish flag flying at Kronborg
Kronborg World-readable
17th August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator visits Hamlet's Castle
Series: Worldcon 75
Julian walks at Amager Strandpark
Spire World-readable
18th August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator spends one last day in Copenhagen and climbs an amazing church spire
Series: Worldcon 75
Kiesa and Julian queue to check in at Copenhagen Airport
Speedbird (Reprise) World-readable
19th August 2017: In which the intrepid narrator flies home to North America across the Atlantic Ocean
Series: Worldcon 75
Crosswalk stencil in Helsinki
Worldcon Recap World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator recaps his eleven days in Scandinavia, and enumerates lessons learned from the trip
Series: Worldcon 75

September 2017

Foggy view of Excelsior
The rest of the summer World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator watches an eclipse, survives an epic heat wave, and sees several minor sights in San Francisco

October 2017

Gentry Arkansas
Nemo's Wedding World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator visits northwest Arkansas to attend a friend's wedding
Tags: travel
Red sun rises over San Francisco Bay
Conflagration World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator experiences the North Bay wildfires second-hand

December 2017

Calvin assembles a Lego polyhedra
Polyhedra World-readable
2017-12-03 16:25:13
In which the intrepid narrator reverse-engineers an elaborate Lego polyhedra to serve as a Christmas tree topper
Tags: lego
Flag flying in front of San Francisco City Hall
Paying respects World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator his pays respects to San Francisco's mayor
Golden Gate Bridge
2017-12-23 17:40:31
In which the intrepid narrator writes a San Francisco guidebook to get his family out of the house for Christmas
Christmas tree with presents
Christmas 2017 World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator's family visits San Francisco for Christmas
Bethany in front of the Banker's Heart
Powell World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator plays tour guide to his family in San Francisco
Yoda fountain at the Letterman Digital Arts Center
Presidio World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator explores the Presidio with his family after Christmas