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Julian's birthday

Started: 2017-04-04 19:35:26

Submitted: 2017-04-04 21:06:14

Visibility: World-readable

Thanks to an interesting quirk of history, Calvin and Julian's birthdays are four days (and six years) apart.

Julian waits for his birthday cake
Julian waits for his birthday cake

We celebrated Julian's second birthday one day late, on Friday 31st March, delaying one day to make sure my mother would be here. (It turned out her flight to SFO was early and she arrived at our house just in time for dinner on Thursday.)

Julian with his birthday cake
Julian with his birthday cake

This also gave me enough time to hunt down a local bike shop and buy a balance bike for Julian -- which turned out to be a bit too big for him, even with shoes on. (I got Calvin a balance bike when he was little -- though it turns out I remembered the date wrong, and it was actually the Christmas shortly before he turned three, so by that standard Julian has some room to grow.)

Calvin helps Julian blow out the candles on his birthday cake
Calvin helps Julian blow out the candles on his birthday cake

Kiesa made brownie for dessert. Julian did not know what to do with his two candles, so Calvin helped him blow them out. He did like the brownie, and the accompanying ice cream.

Kiesa claps for Julian after blowing out his birthday cake
Kiesa claps for Julian after blowing out his birthday cake

Julian has figured out how to open his presents, and that the brightly-wrapped packages contain mostly-interesting things for him. (There was also clothing, which may not have been all that interesting to him, but was at least bright and colored.)