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Browse tag santa-cruz

Seabright Beach covered in pier debris
Wharf World-readable
Seeing debris from the Santa Cruz Wharf washed up on Seabright Beach
Kayak off the coast in Santa Cruz
Harbor World-readable
Paddling in Monterey Bay from Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor
Waiting for the Santa Cruz Pride parade
Santa Cruz Pride World-readable
Watching Santa Cruz's pride parade on Pacific Ave
Big Trees & Pacific diesel locomotive at the Beach Boardwalk
Big Trees and Pacific World-readable
Riding a train from the Beach Boardwalk to the Big Trees; and also a bonus roller coaster at the Beach Boardwalk
Seabright Beach on a bright spring-like day
Seabright World-readable
2024-03-21 21:10:42
My nearest beach
Aptos Creek Fire Road
Bridge Creek World-readable
A thanksgiving tradition: Hiking in The Forest of Nisene Marks
Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk at night
Holiday Lights Train World-readable
A train covered in lights to celebrate the holiday season that is now upon us
Calvin waits for the Roaring Camp redwood steam train
Roaring Camp World-readable
Riding the Roaring Camp Railroads through the redwood forest
Burned redwoods at Big Basin
Big Basin World-readable
Visiting California's oldest state park after the CZU Lighting Complex fire
Beach Boardwalk after the rain
River World-readable
2023-01-21 17:21:25
A series of atmospheric rivers bring water and flooding to Santa Cruz
Calvin and Julian walk through the forest
The rest of Thanksgiving with my family: two state parks (the mission and a forest with a famous epicenter) and a family photo
Logan family sits down to Thanksgiving breakfast (feat. Julian and Calvin)
Thanksgiving 2022 World-readable
Spending Thanksgiving with my family in Santa Cruz
Seabright Beach on Christmas
Beach Christmas World-readable
Beach Christmas, I gave you my heart; but the very next day you rained it away
Overlooking Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in the rain
Beach, bisected World-readable
2022-12-03 22:31:30
Overlooking the rain on Main and Seabright beaches
Smoke rises over DeLaveaga Park
DeLaveaga Fire World-readable
Watching an air assault on a small wildfire, too close for comfort
Pather Beach and Hole-in-the Wall Beach
Hole-in-the-Wall Beach World-readable
Exploring a small beach near Santa Cruz
Red and white sprinkles on a doughnut
Visiting Wilder Ranch State Park for the Fourth of July
Entrance to Mystery Spot
Mystery Spot World-readable
Santa Cruz's iconic roadside attraction
Waves breaking on Seabright Beach
Atmospheric River World-readable
Looking out at the roiling ocean in a winter storm
Kayak on the dock in Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor
Small Craft Harbor World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator paddles from Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor
Boxes packed in living room
Moving to Santa Cruz World-readable
2021-07-06 22:33:51
In which the intrepid narrator completes his move to Santa Cruz over one long and busy weekend
Kiesa and Jaeger signing mortgage papers on Loma Prieta Way
Signing World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator signs papers to buy a house in Santa Cruz
Monarch butterflies in a eucalyptus tree
Monarch World-readable
In which the intrepid narrator visits the eucalyptus grove where monarch butterflies spend the winter at Natural Bridges State Park