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Browse tag garden

Persimmons from our tree
Fruit World-readable
2019-12-08 15:52:11
In which the intrepid narrator finds himself in possession of several persimmon trees
Tags: garden
Indian peahen walking through the backyard
Indira World-readable
2014-06-24 21:06:57
In which the intrepid narrator finds that his backyard has been colonized by a rogue Indian peahen
Tags: garden
Completed container garden on patio
2013-11-23 18:12:34
I wanted to title this "I know what you planted in your garden last summer" but managed to resist
Overgrown firethorn and woodbine in front yard
2012-08-12 20:44:20
In which the intrepid narrator visits his favorite garden store and cleans up the overgrown landscaping in his front yard
Tags: garden
Bolder Boulder 2011 World-readable
2011-06-01 20:08:31
Yard work World-readable
2010-05-13 07:55:53
Tags: garden