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Go vote!

Started: 2006-11-06 20:34:05

Submitted: 2006-11-06 20:45:23

Visibility: World-readable

This is your political message: If you want to have a say in the direction our country is going in, vote tomorrow. (Or, if you've already voted, good for you.) (I'd say something about our war-mongering, homophobic administration... but you probably could guess what I'd say.) While you're at it, go listen to Free candy in every pot from Marketplace. It's funny. And you'll never think of political ads the same way again.

In unrelated news, yesterday I hiked to the top of Green Mountain the long way, via NCAR and Bear Canyon. That's an eight-mile round-trip. My iPod battery lasted about three-quarters of the way down before dying a few minutes from the end of an old Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me podcast. I thought about attempting a multi-peak ascent, but I ran out of daylight and didn't really feel like braving the packed snow on the summit of Bear Peak. (Traction-assisting devices for my feet to let me walk over ice should be next on my list of outdoorsy things to buy. I do have an outdoor store across the street from my office... the last independent one in Boulder.)