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Halloween 2021

Started: 2021-11-22 17:10:54

Submitted: 2021-11-22 18:52:15

Visibility: World-readable

Finally something returns to normal

In the Second Plague Year, Halloween returned mostly to normal. My family is three-quarters vaccinated, and we once again live in a neighborhood with actual sidewalks where some of the neighbors stockpile candy to give out to trick-or-treaters. (In fact one of the people living in a house on an out-of-the-way street begged Kiesa to come trick-or-treat there, since otherwise very few people would make it that far away.)

Crow guards the steps leading up to the house
Crow guards the steps leading up to the house

Kiesa decorated the skeleton librarian in our front yard with a crow on her shoulder, and another crow perched on a light on the stairs leading up to our front door.

Skeleton-librarian with a crow on her shoulder
Skeleton-librarian with a crow on her shoulder

The local live crows, though, didn't seem to appreciate our decorative crows. One afternoon I heard a murder of crows cawing in the front yard, clearly agitated by something. They flocked in the birch tree above the sidewalk and flew around in circles for half an hour before flying off somewhere else.

Crows circling in the birch tree
Crows circling in the birch tree

We also ended up with adhesive vinyl stickers on the second-floor windows (several bats in flight and a black cat) but I don't have good pictures of them because it's hard to get a good picture of the black stickers on the windows.

Julian painted a pumpkin, rather than carving it. I am not actually sure what design he ended up painting on his pumpkin; it looked too abstract to me to understand what it was.

Julian paints a pumpkin for Halloween
Julian paints a pumpkin for Halloween

For Halloween itself, Julian wore an off-the-shelf Charmander costume, continuing his tradition of wearing Pokemon costumes.

Julian dressed as Charmander
Julian dressed as Charmander

Calvin wore something considerably more abstract, which involved a long black coat, a duffel bag, goggles, and a hat. When he went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood after dark, he wrapped himself in yellow caution tape in an attempt to improve his visibility. I am not sure if this added to or detracted from the desired effect of the costume, because I am not sure what the desired effect of the costume was.

Julian, Kiesa, and Calvin for Halloween
Julian, Kiesa, and Calvin for Halloween

I gave Kiesa a Pokeball and a jaunty jacket so she could play a Pokemon trainer as she took the kids around the neighborhood.

Kiesa and the kids went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood (equipped with a Pokeball for her costume and an LED lantern for light), and when they came back the kids spread out and sorted their candy on the dining table.

Calvin and Julian sort their Halloween candy
Calvin and Julian sort their Halloween candy

Calvin sorted his candy into piles by type. Julian went several steps further and sorted his candy into groups by color, and then proceeded to draw a bar graph and color it in with the number of pieces of each candy he received of each color.

Julian's Halloween candy bar graph
Julian's Halloween candy bar graph

The text under each column describes the color (with creative phonetic spelling). From the left, this is brown, red, blue, silver, green, orange, and yellow.

Julian creates a bar graph to visualize his Halloween candy
Julian creates a bar graph to visualize his Halloween candy

The kids enjoyed their relatively-normal Halloween this year.