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Running (for fun and fitness)

Posted by Jäger on 2009-05-30 20:42:55


My most basic advice is pretty simple: Just get out and run. It doesn't have to be much, but it does help to be somewhat regular. Don't go too fast, either; your best basic fitness is at an aerobic intensity. (You can calculate your heartrate limits -- I have a heartrate monitor with an EEG strap that beeps when I break out of the range I programmed -- or just stick to an easy "conversation pace".) Half an hour to an hour is great. Walking in the middle is fine; some beginning running programs proscribe specific running/walking ratios to get you used to the idea of running.

If you're interested in running races, you probably want to start short. 5k (3.1 miles) is a good entry-level race; it's far enough you have to pace yourself but not so far that endurance becomes a problem. This would be a good time to think about a specific training program, tailored to your race distance, that will help you run faster and pace yourself better. (A good portion of the training falls under the general heading of "speed work" -- running much faster for short intervals to build up speed and endurance. There's a lot of interesting theory between the various ways your body provides the energy you need at various levels of intensity, and how specific training can exercise and strengthen specific systems.)

I'd be happy to chat about running (and training and anything else you're interested in). I'll keep posting about my running program, especially now that I know someone's getting something out of it.

(It might not hurt to check with your doctor, too; this is the normal party line but it might really be worth it in your case.)


Personal Records (2009-05-10 19:03:34)