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Early Departure

Started: 2004-06-10 22:10:32

Submitted: 2004-06-10 22:23:23

Visibility: World-readable

Gem and I are getting up entirely too early tomorrow morning to head off to Walla Walla for Tristan's graduation, which should be entertaining. I intend to do a little out-of-state Geocaching while I'm there.

In other news, Kiesa officially got a job offer from the Weld Library District. The good news is it's a real research librarian job at a public library. Slightly more dubious is the fact that it's part-time (twenty hours a week) and is in Greeley. Gem's about 98% confident she will accept the job. It still remains to be seen where exactly we will end up living to facilitate easy transportation to both of our jobs.