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Caller ID

Started: 2006-04-12 20:44:39

Submitted: 2006-04-12 20:55:07

Visibility: World-readable

This weekend, I was listening to Marketplace Money, my favorite personal finance radio show (especially now that the Motely Fool Radio Show is off the air) and heard an amusing segment about The Dictionary of Corporate Bullshit: An A to Z Lexicon of Empty, Enraging, and Just Plain Stupid Office Talk. I knew I had to buy it, so as part of my Geocaching, I stopped by a book store (Borders, on the other side of Longmont; it's the largest bookstore Longmont has) and picked it up. It has plenty of amusing entries; the one I just ran across:

Caller ID. 1. the digital display on a phone that identifies the number from which the call originates; 2. so cool; provides the all-important function of identifying the boss's call, the annoying friend's call, the potential employer's call, and offers the added bonus of acting as a pop quiz on area codes nationwide.

I now know both of San Diego's area codes (858 and 619), and I was so good at jumping up to take calls that I tipped my office-mate off to the fact that something was up, proof that one can't actually win when it comes to communication security. (Maybe if I put my phone on vibrate so he couldn't actually hear it ringing...)