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Are suits evil?

Posted by Jäger on 2004-04-07 10:10:48


I'll counter your argument that traditional American men's dress attire is, in itself, evil. (An individual referred to as a "suit", however, might not be evil in that sense, but rather entirely redundant and generally obnoxious.)

Before Monday, I don't think I had worn my suit for eighteen months. (The last time I remember wearing it was the week after I got married.) After getting over my minor shock that it still fit me well (I got it when I started college, almost six years ago; since then I've gotten a little wider while I wasn't watching), I realized next how well it fit me and how comfortable it actually was. (Except for my white collar shirt, whose neck is too small; wearing a tie didn't help matters much.) I think it affected the way I carried myself; I was playing the part of someone confident in all situations who knew what to do to get the desired outcome.

That's not to say that I'll wear my suit again any time soon (unless they call me back for jury duty; that's part of the "to be continued" story), but I did enjoy it Monday morning.


Without Cause (2004-04-05 23:12:29)