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Happy Birthday

Posted by Nemo on 2010-09-08 07:40:59


Happy (belated) birthday! It's not a bad thing to have occasion to consider life sometimes. I hope you enjoyed your birthday.

My brother claimed he felt old on his 30th birthday. He sited various aches. He asked me how I felt, and I told him just like I did when I was 29. There are some people who become old early. Others seem to skip it. There's an interesting man at church in his seventies who is building himself a new house. He's laying block, hanging sheetrock, etc. I mentioned that my elderly neighbor of about his age was in the hospital. He said, now wait a minute--elderly? I told him that my neighbor was indeed elderly. He hasn't much purpose in life. Generally, the most activity I see him do is move his car from one part of the yard to another. He used to like to garden, but he's given it up. But the man who objected I don't think of as elderly at all. There's a lot more to it than passing years merely.


Turning Thirty (2010-09-07 21:37:25)