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Started: 2012-04-09 20:22:39

Submitted: 2012-04-09 20:34:46

Visibility: World-readable

After some twists and turns, we're under contract to sell our house in Longmont and move into a previously-owned house in Gunbarrel, 1.1 miles from my office. (I can walk to work in less time than it takes me to drive now.) This is one of the few houses in the newer Gunbarrel North neighborhood with a reasonably-sized yard, which seems important for a rambunctious preschooler. We close on both houses on Friday, 27 April, and then have the weekend to move before surrendering possession of our current house on Monday morning. We're now packing and trying to figure out precisely where we're going to put everything in the new house. This ought to be interesting.