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A brief response

Posted by Cptscp on 2004-08-27 10:48:40


First, you may wonder: Who am I? I may or may not be a friend, but I think it's safe to say that I've been monitoring this and other related sites for some time now. I'll leave it at that.

World tides are shifting, things are changing. Some situations are volatile, even when in direct adjacence to inert particles.

Feelings among folks near each other differ widely, sometimes causing agitation and frustration, leading many to seek a feeling of peace in small comforts.

I could say more, but I need to move on.

I too was thinking about doing a little reading this weekend. The book of Revelations occurs as an interesting possibility, but that's just a random thought.

But then again, Quantum Physics might be fun too.

Peace unto you and yours. We shall see each other again in the place where there is no darkness. (--Orwell)

Over and Out.


Updates (2004-08-26 21:36:25)