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Bird's Nest

Posted by Jäger on 2007-01-25 19:47:33


Yesterday I was talking to some geeky coworkers and the conversation shifted to veganism. (One coworker (who has, on his cubicle wall, a snapshot of his foot several thousand foot over a small desert airport) pointed out that most of the vegans he knows are pro-choice. Which means they won't exploit bees for honey, but are ok with aborting undesired human fetuses.) I pulled the Birds Nest Drink out of the cupboard and managed concurrently disturb and fascinate them. The skydiver contemplated drinking it (at least, he let us believe he was contemplating drinking it) until he noticed it was produced in 2003 and expired in 2005. (Apparently it's been bumping around for a while.) It went back into the cupboard.


Bird's Nest (2007-01-08 09:10:19)