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Adventist dorms

Posted by Jäger on 2004-09-09 19:40:10


I suspect Meske Hall at Walla Walla doesn't really count as a co-ed dorm; at the dawn of time it was a women's dorm; in the early eighties the interface was blocked off and it was annexed as the upperclassmen men's dorm and is now populated mostly by engineers.

I was fascinated by the difference between the dorms at Union and Walla Walla. Unlike Union, Walla Walla had a designated protocol for letting men into the women's dorm during the day (for mostly-legitimate reasons like fixing computers, moving stuff, or whatever) and quarterly open houses (in which the opposite gender may wander freely through the dorms). The dorm's side doors are open during the day; I frequently used the side doors when they went where I wanted.

It really wouldn't surprise me if, in ten years, Walla Walla (being one of those radical left-coast schools) allowed mixed-gender free wandering through dorms during the day. I suspect a real co-ed dorm would be long in coming.


Birthday (2004-09-08 00:20:14)